Campaign Update December 2014

Dec 13th, 2014 | By | Category: Newsletters
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          Bill Cassidy Easily Defeats Liberal Senator Mary Landrieu in Run-off Election
GING-PAC endorsed candidate, Congressman Bill Cassidy defeated leftist Senator Mary Landrieu in the Louisiana run-off election on December 6th. This makes Cassidy the 9th Republican to defeat liberals and the Obama agenda this mid-term.

          Cassidy is a medical doctor who is 100% pro-life and this is a welcome addition to the Senate to counter Obama’s pro-abortion agenda. Ignoring the conservative victories in the mid-term elections including Cassidy’s, President Obama continues to push ahead with just as many lawless executive actions as before, on a variety of fronts. Dr. Cassidy will be a welcome addition to the Senate to add his vote against the Obama agenda. With his experience as a congressman and knowledge of Capitol Hill, he has the ability to move the social conservative agenda in Congress forward during his first six year term.

          Senator Ted Cruz Forces Senate Vote on Obama’s Lawless Amnesty Edict – Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) stirred up the pot on December 13th during the Senate vote on a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill that had been passed by the House earlier. Cruz forced a vote on Obama’s illegal amnesty edict by arguing that the spending bill violated the Constitution because it would fund Obama’s plan without any input from Congress.

          His vote failed by 22-74, but many GING-PAC endorsed Senators voted with him. They are Senators Roy Blunt, Deb Fischer, Mike Johanns, Rand Paul, Pat Roberts, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Jon Thune, and David Vitter. The Blaze reported on the vote saying: “Harry Reid’s last act as majority leader is to, once again, act as an enabler for President Obama, by blocking this vote on the president’s amnesty.”

Senator Cruz said on his Facebook page. “He is going to an embarrassing length to tie up the floor to obstruct debate and a vote on this issue because he knows amnesty is unpopular with the American people, and he doesn’t want the Democrats on the record as supporting it.”
Senator Tim Scott Gives GOP Weekly Address on Republican Agenda in 2015-2016
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott outlined the Republican agenda for 2015-2016 during a recent video address. Here is part of what he said:
“The mid-term elections put the President’s policies on the ballot, and the American people overwhelmingly rejected them by electing Republicans into office all around the country.”

“The new Republican majority in the Senate, alongside the House of Representatives, will present solutions that work for American families, and I truly hope the President will join us. We must regain the trust of the American people and we will do so by immediately focusing on jobs and the economy.”

          Scott powerfully made this point: “A Senate controlled by Democrats has blocked many of these solutions for years, leaving bills gathering dust instead of spreading success. We will tackle the Affordable Care Act head on and present solutions to lower health care costs and increase access to care.”

          Senator Scott is the first African American from either party to be popularly elected to the Senate from the South. Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts was also a black Republican, but a very liberal one. The NAACP ignored Scott’s historic election. Why? Because he is a conservative, not a far left liberal.


          GING-PAC Legislators Participate in Religious Liberty Hearing on Military
Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus recently participated in a hearing on religious accommodations within the U. S. military. The hearing was chaired by Rep. Joe Wilson (SC), who was also joined by Congressmen: Fleming (LA), Forbes (VA), Hartzler (MO), Huelskamp (KS), Jones (NC) and Lamborn (CO). Many of the participants were GING-PAC endorsed candidates who now serve as Congressmen.

          This important meeting had an unusually high attendance, specifically from Prayer Caucus members who have taken a special interest in protecting the rights of our men and women in uniform. These soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and National Guard personnel are the heroes who risk their lives every day for the very freedoms we consider so sacred.
Indeed, the words of Father Dennis O’Brien, a Marine Corps chaplain from the bloodstained battlefields of World War II, echo loudly: “It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the organizer, who gave us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.”

          Rep. Lamborn, the Congressman representing Colorado’s fifth district where the Air Force Academy is located in Colorado Springs, spearheaded an amendment to upgrade the National Defense Authorization Act, enhancing religious freedom protections for all service members. Representatives supporting the legislation clearly acknowledge the intent of the amendment is not focused on defending efforts to proselytize or coerce other service members, but to help ensure our dedicated military are not forced to violate or compromise their moral convictions at work or in their personal lives.

          Defending religious liberty in the House and Senate – The fact cannot be ignored that many of the 100 members of the House Prayer Caucus led by Congressman Randy Forbes of Virginia have great impact. Nearly one out of four members of Congress are also members of the Prayer Caucus, and that group has done more than propose legislation. On several occasions this group of congressmen have actually filed lawsuits or filed briefs in lawsuits to protect the religious liberties of citizens.

          Many of the members of the Prayer Caucus were endorsed and supported by GING-PAC on their very first run for Congress. In fact, the founder and Chairman of the Prayer Caucus was endorsed and supported financially in his very first election. Had Randy Forbes lost that election, there would be no powerful, hundred member caucus in the House dedicated to religious liberty. This group meets before each new session and prays for the Congress and the nation.

Your support of GING-PAC makes Capitol Hill miracles like this possible!

William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013

One Comment to “Campaign Update December 2014”

  1. Rohan says:

    I hope my Senators, Feinstein and Boxer, will surprise me by both vontig to support S. 1082. I called both offices late on Friday, May 4, and Feinstein’s office said she was still taking voter’s views into consideration. Boxer’s L.A. office said they didn’t know her position on the bill. I told them my family has been destroyed by the lack of quality and reliability of prescription thyroid-replacement drugs since 1982, when the FDA and drug co’s seemed to stop caring about such matters. Both Senators have ignored my requests for help regarding this issue in the past; I hope they will try to at least do the right thing this time around by vontig Yes on S. 1082.

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