Editor: William J. Murray
South Carolina Special Election – March 19! Rep. Jeff Duncan Backs Larry Grooms for South Carolina Seat – GING-PAC endorsed Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) has endorsed state Senator Larry Grooms for the 1st Congressional District in South Carolina. Grooms is running to fill the seat that was vacated by Rep. Tim Scott when he moved to the U.S. Senate by appointment of Governor Nikki Haley. Scott took the seat in the U.S. Senate of GING-PAC endorsed former Senator Jim DeMint. The former Senator also endorses Grooms, as does Congressman Mike Mulvaney of South Carolina.
Rep. Duncan has said of Larry Grooms:
“South Carolina’s Congressional Delegation is known across the country and in Washington for being a united voice for conservatism. In fact, we’ve earned a reputation of working together, standing on principle and protecting South Carolina values. It’s important to ensure that the person who replaces Tim Scott be a reliable conservative, a proven fighter and a leader who will join our mission to cut wasteful Washington spending. I’m convinced the best person for the job is Larry Grooms.
“While there are several good candidates in the 1st Congressional race, Larry Grooms has the record, values, and conviction best suited to represent the Low Country in Congress. I’ve known Larry for years and worked with him in Columbia at the Statehouse. Together, we fought for conservative reforms and I know Larry both as a man of faith and as a conservative leader. Like myself, Larry comes from a small business background, and knows what it’s like to sign the front of a check, write a budget and limit wasteful spending to keep that budget balanced,” Duncan said.
This is a very strong endorsement coming from a seated congressman, in a race where several other Republicans are running. Among the others in the race is Teddy Turner, the son of leftwing lunatic Ted Turner who founded CNN. Teddy Turner is a true Karl Rove Republican. He is one of those “Republicans” who, like Rove, wants to return the GOP to the glory days of Richard Nixon when it was just a rich men’s club and no social conservatives were welcome. It was Ronald Reagan who saved the GOP by recreating it with three legs of support: Defense conservatives, Economic conservatives AND Social conservatives. Without the social conservatives, the GOP cannot win.
This is our chance to send a real message to Teddy Turner and all his buddies like Karl Rove who want to turn the GOP back to the days of Richard Nixon. The Republican Party of Richard Nixon cannot win an election today. The days of taxpayers and defense hawks acting alone to elect candidates are long gone. We must flex our muscle now to prove this point! Time is short; The GOP primary is on March 19th. The general election will be held in May. Donate online today at www.GINGPAC.ORG or directly to the Grooms campaign at www.groomsforcongress.com.
Rep. Trent Franks: Why Doesn’t Obama Ever Mention Muslim Brotherhood? – Arizona Representative Trent Franks wonders why Barack Obama never mentions the Muslim Brotherhood and its control of Egypt. According to Franks: “He never mentions the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s astonishing. If there’s anything that has been a trend in this administration related to terrorism, it’s their unwillingness to call it for what it is”
Franks was interviewed immediately after Obama’s State of the Union speech. He notes that the Muslim Brotherhood “represents not only a threat to Israel and other nations in the region – it represents a destabilizing factor and force in the whole world.” GING-PAC endorsed Congressman Franks beginning with his first run for Congress in 2003.
Nebraska Congressman May Run for Johanns’ Senate Seat – Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) has announced that he is considering a run for the Senate seat that will be vacated by Senator Mike Johanns in 2014.
Fortenberry was recently in the news when he stepped forward to protest Saudi Arabia’s treatment of Ethiopian Christians who were arrested for merely praying in a private home. He told Fox News: “Nations that wish to be a part of the responsible nations of the world must see the protection of religious freedom and the principles of reason as an essential part of the duty of the state.” Rep. Fortenberry sits on the House Caucus on Religious Minorities in the Middle East.
Rep. Fortenberry has also been involved in fighting for religious liberty that is threatened by Obama’s Health and Human Services abortion mandate in Obamacare. On the day that the mandate went into effect (August 1, 2012), Fortenberry stood on the House floor and gave a speech defending religious liberty and freedom of conscience!
GING-PAC is strongly considering endorsing Rep. Fortenberry, should he formally announce that he is running for Johanns’ Senate seat in 2014.
Please support the ongoing work of GING-PAC in funding the campaign efforts of committed social conservatives in the House and Senate. Donate to GING-PAC today! Use the form attached to this letter to donate or go to www.GINGPAC.org.
Obama ‘Justice’ Department Seeks to Block Asylum for German Homeschooling Family – Barack Obama’s Department of Justice seems concerned about protecting the “rights” of illegal aliens, foreign gays who wish to come to America, terrorist suspects and other threats to America’s national security, but it considers a German homeschooling family a threat to America’s future. AG Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is arguing against providing asylum for Uwe and Hannelore Romeike, German parents who fled from Germany after they were threatened with jail, fines and the forcible removal of their children from their home. What was their crime? They were homeschooling their children!
My longtime friend Michael Farris, chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, has been defending this German family from Obama’s fascist DOJ. The Romeike family was initially granted asylum, but then the Obama Administration appealed the case to the Board of Immigration Appeals.
The case will impact not only this German home schooling family, but every Christian in America, and the right of parents to bring up their children without government intrusion. Read more about this case on the GINGPAC web site!
Please support the ongoing work of GING-PAC in electing men and women to Congress who value the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – and who understand the importance of protecting religious liberty and freedom of conscience. Donate today or give at www.gingpac.org!
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013