
GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2024

Jul 12th, 2024 | By

Immigration is number one concern of voters Stunning new Gallup Poll             A reliable Gallup poll indicates a sharp rise in concerns about illegal immigration. The latest poll shows illegal immigration as the top issue for 28% of likely voters. Government being a concern (problem) came in second at 20%.             On the other side

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2024

May 1st, 2024 | By

Joe Biden claims to be Catholic Yet he proclaimed Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility Joe Biden declared  Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility!” Please keep in mind that Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic. He has difficulty finding a Catholic priest who will allow him to celebrate communion because of his

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2024

Mar 1st, 2024 | By

Some “religious schools” just as bad as Harvard The total dysfunction at Harvard University is not an example of elite higher education, it is an example of education at virtually every level in the United States.             The “woke” problem with schools is not new. The roots of “woke” are deep and have penetrated even

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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2023

Jul 11th, 2023 | By

Welcome to Third World Politics – Part 2 The West Goes Third World: What do former president Donald Trump and former prime minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon have in common? Both Donald Trump and Nicola Sturgeon face charges lodged by political opponents. The same week that Donald Trump was indicted by a Grand Jury for

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2023

May 18th, 2023 | By

Welcome to Third World Politics Let’s start with this: The current president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was convicted of corruption in 2017. Even before his appeals were completed, he was jailed in 2018 and served almost two years in jail. Former President Bolsonaro is not being investigated for causing a mob to

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2023

Mar 21st, 2023 | By

The “Zelotes” and the Pluralists The battle for Speaker: Somewhere along the way I lost count of how many voting rounds there were before Congressman Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker of the House. Was it the 14th round or 15th? To get the job that no one else really wanted anyway, he gave away much

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2022

Mar 15th, 2023 | By

Joe Biden wins the Senate. What went wrong? To start with, a Muslim and Turkish citizen running on the GOP ticket in Pennsylvania. TV celebrity Dr. Oz “won” the GOP primary with just 30% of the vote. Most Republicans wanted nothing to do with him, but enough of them held their nose to give him

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Sep/Oct 2022

Oct 14th, 2022 | By
Senator Rand Paul and William Murray

The Senate: November decides it all If Republicans don’t retake the Senate, Joe Biden will be able to appoint whoever he wants to whatever he wants. For two more years Joe Biden will be able to appoint ultra-liberal, soft-on-crime judges to federal courts at all levels. All of those judges will hold the concept of

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jul/Aug 2022

Aug 19th, 2022 | By

The Senate: Little hope left for GOP takeover Pennsylvania: This is a seat being vacated by Republican Pat Toomey. There was virtually no way for the Republicans to lose this seat — until a Muslim who is a Turkish citizen won the GOP nomination. Instead of a pickup, it clearly looks like the Pennsylvania seat

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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2022

Jun 20th, 2022 | By

More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well? More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well? The Mayor of London is a Muslim, as is the mayor of Birmingham, the mayor of Leeds, the mayor of Bradford, the mayor of Newham and six more cities that have or had

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