In Person in Washington: Changing face of advocacy: During the pandemic there was a shut down of most activity inside Washington, DC, virtually everything was done by Zoom. Most federal workers have still not returned to their offices in Washington, and Capitol Hill is like a ghost town.

William Murray with Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming during a reception this year. No one had a mask on, and no one became ill that I know of.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has kept high fencing around the Capitol building — not for security but for political reasons. She somehow thinks the fence reminds all Americans of the damage done to the Capitol on January 6th. Hardly anyone is even there to care.
Some things have gone back to normal. On June 16th my wife Nancy and I attended a reception for Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) at Charlie Palmer’s restaurant in view of the Captiol Building. Representatives of numerous political action committees were present, including the American Airlines pilots union, Berkshire Hathaway Energy (Warren Buffett), CVS Health, Samsug Electronics America, etc.
This was the first time I have been at an event in Washington, DC since February of 2020, shortly after Joe Biden took over the White House. Nancy and I were the only ones there representing a social conservative politifcal action committee. All the others attending were there for business reasons mostly because of the committees Seneator Scott sits on.
Senator Scott sits on the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, the Committee on Finance, the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Several other Senators showed up to show support for him. During the meeting three different Senators referred to Scripture. Two Senators quoted Scripture by verse. Keep in mind that of the 40 or so people in the room, and all of them were there for secular reasons other than myself and Nancy. They were not reciting Scripture because we were there, but rather because the Word of God is part of their lives.
Present at the reception for Senator Scott were Senator John Barrasso, Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Senator Cynthia Lummis, Senator Roger Marshall, Senator Jerry Moran, and Senator Pat Toomey. Besides Senator Scott, both Senators Jerry Moran and John Barrasso quoted from the Bible as they spoke.
I reported on parts of the reception in the Religious Freedom Coaltion newsletter to show many who don’t know that there are godly men and women on Capitol Hill
My reason for being there was to talk to Senator Scott and senators about the situation in Nigeria and ask for more pressure against Nigeria’s sunni Muslim president to stop the slaughter of Christians. I was promised that efforts would be made.
I can urge you to help Senator Scotts reelection by sending a contribution directly to!
I know we are a long way out, but we have a long way to go — and a determined enemy that wants all social conservatives, regardless of color, kicked out of office. Please directly support the re-election of Senator Scott!
Texas 6th seat finally decided
Texas 6th district: Congressman Ronald Wright (R) died from COVID-19 related complications on February 7, 2021. The seat for Texas 6th has been open ever since. During the initial special election on May 1st there was no clear winning. Our candidate, outspoken Christian conservative Sery Kim did poorly and failed to make the runoff.
State Representative Jake Ellzey won the runoff on July 27th with just over 53% percent of the vote beating Susan Wright, the widow of Congressman Ronald Wright. There was no Democrat in the runoff as the top two from the May 1st special were Republicans.
Former President Trump had endorsed Susan Wright just before the May 1st vote and became increasing involved doing a statement that went to voters by robocall. CNN and other liberal outlet announced that this showed Trump’s influence was waning. However, there was virtually no difference in policy between the two candidates and both profess to be Christians.
Because the two candidates were so close in their positions GING-PAC did not endorse either one in the runoff.
Jake Ellzey will be immediately sworn in reducing the Democrat margin in the House from nine to eight seats. The Democrats lost seats in the 2020 election.
The number of vacancies in the House has been reduced from four to three. One of those was a Republican seat and two were Democrats. Republican Steve Stivers (OH) resigned to become chairman of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. Democrat Marcia Fudge (OH) resigned on March 3rd and Democrat Alcee Hastings (FL) died on April 6th. I do not know yet if either of the open Democrat seats are winnable, but I am looking at them.
The primary for the two Ohio seats will be held August 3rd and the Florida seat primary will not be held until November 2nd.
To participate in these special elections GING-PAC will need your support. Thank you!
William J. Murray, GING-PAC Chairman