FLORIDA – GING-PAC endorsed Congressman Bill Posey (R) is facing Democrat Gabriel Rothblatt in his re-election bid in November in one of the most bizarre races of the year. Gabriel Rothblatt has received $225,000 in funding from a Super-PAC (SpacePAC) with only one donor — his millionaire father, Martin Rothblatt. His father (who thinks of himself as Gabriel’s mother) is founder of Sirius Satellite radio and made about $38 million last year. Here it gets really weird: Martin Rothblatt underwent a “sex change” operation and now goes by “Martine.” This sexually confused man thinks he’s really a female. Although he has fathered Gabriel, he considers himself a woman.
One cannot help but wonder what sort of confused thinking Gabriel Rothblatt would bring to the House of Representatives if he were to beat Bill Posey in November. Actually, we don’t have to wonder, because of the way he himself describes his political philosophy: Says Gabriel Rothblatt: “My life is a story about being Red, White and ‘Blew.’ I’m mixed, African/Caucasian, Jewish and raised in a LGBT family.” He says, “Florida has become a haven for Christian nationalism. In addition to Women, Jews, Muslims, Unions, Cancer Survivors and many other groups, I speak out for a return to secularism in politics and education.”

Sexually confused millionaire is funding his son’s congressional campaign against Congressman Bill Posey.
I have met with Bill Posey many times and he has worked on many social conservative issues. He is a powerful supporter of Israel and has voted against funding the Muslim rebels who kill Christians in Syria and Iraq. We need a Bill Posey in Congress, not a man who is confused about his race, his father’s sexual identity, and about what Christianity is. We don’t need any more “leaders” with muddle headed thinking; we need godly men and women who can lead our government out of being weak and dysfunctional! With your help GING-PAC can continue to keep godly men such as Bill Posey in Congress!
WEST VIRGINIA – This is a new endorsement! GING-PAC is endorsing Alex Mooney of West Virginia for the U.S. House of Representatives. Mooney is a strong social conservative who believes in the American dream and our Judeo-Christian system of morality. Mooney is a defender of the life of unborn children – and served as president of the Dartmouth Coalition for Life during his college years.
Alex Mooney has also received the endorsements of such groups as the Family Research Council, Citizens United, Gun Owners of America, Eagle Forum, and the Madison Project.
Born in Washington, DC after his mother escaped political imprisonment in Cuba and married his father, an Irish immigrant, Mooney’s first introduction to politics was as a legislative aide to Congressman Roscoe Bartlett. At one time he served in the Maryland Senate before moving permanently to West Virginia. With Democrats in West Virginia in retreat because of the Obama/Reid war on coal, this is a winnable seat and we can win with Mooney.
Montana: The race for the Montana Senate seat just got much better for GING-PAC endorsed candidate Congressman Steve Daines who is a solid social conservative. He is running for a seat vacated by Senator Max Baucus, who was appointed by Obama to be the U.S. Ambassador to China. Montana’s governor then appointed John Walsh to serve out the term of the vacant seat, making him the incumbent. But Walsh has now dropped out of the race after he was exposed for having plagiarized a paper at the U.S. Army War College to obtain his Master’s Degree and an increase in rank in the Army.
Walsh had submitted the paper in 2007 for his master’s degree. He first claimed that he had mistakenly lifted passages from other works without giving credit and blamed his “oversights” on PTSD. That didn’t ring true, however. He has repeatedly plagiarized the work of others. Not only is he losing his seat in the Senate, but he is likely to lose his master’s degree as well, over his dishonesty. At this time Democrats have not even picked a replacement for Walsh to run on the ticket in November. We must win this one!
IOWA: GING-PAC endorsed Senate candidate Joni Ernst is moving toward victory in her campaign to replace retiring leftist Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA). Congressman Bruce Braley (D- IA) was expected to win Harkin’s seat, but after Ernst aired a TV ad that showed him referring to Sen. Charles Grassley as “a farmer from Iowa who never went to law school,” Braley’s expectation of victory began to slip away.
It’s not wise to ridicule farmers in a farm state, but Braley has obviously become an eastern liberal establishment snob and out of touch with Iowans. Braley also blew it when he threatened to file a complaint against Ernst for her chickens coming on to his vacation property.
Joni Ernst, who is a Lt. Colonel in the Iowa National Guard, appeared at the Iowa State Fair recently and gave a speech on the brave men and women who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. If elected, she will be the first female combat veteran to serve in the U.S. Senate!
The Republican Party needs six seats to take the Senate away from one of the most corrupt politicians in American history, Harry Reid of Nevada. We can get rid of Harry Reid as Majority Leader in the Senate, but only if social conservatives get out and campaign for strong conservative candidates in their states.
If Harry Reid is not removed as Majority Leader of the Senate, President Barack Obama will be able to appoint hundreds more far left federal judges (including perhaps a Supreme Court justice) without resistance. Reid will continue to help Barack Obama undermine religious freedom and biblical values in America and to destabilize the world by supporting Islamic terrorist movements. Your help is needed to win these critical elections.
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013