Mike Huckabee Inches Closer To Presidential Announcement

Mike Huckabee and William J. Murray in Richmond, Virginia in January, 2015. Huckabee spoke at an event there.
Former presidential candidate Governor Mike Huckabee has inched closer to announcing a decision on his possible run for President of the United States.
Huckabee spoke at the Iowa Freedom Summit on January 24th and has launched a book tour for his newest work, God, Guns, Grits And Gravy about the dramatic difference in worldviews from East and West Coast liberal elites and those Americans who live in what leftists mockingly refer to as “flyover country.”
According to Huckabee, liberals in large population centers like New York and Los Angeles live in what he calls “Bubble-villes” – enclaves of liberalism outside of reality and what rational Americans believe about politics and morality. The rest of Americans live in Bubba-villes – places where God, guns, grits and gravy are normal elements of life.
As Huckabee writes in the introduction of his newest book:
This is a book about God, guns, grits, and gravy. It’s not a recipe book for Southern cuisine, nor a collection of religious devotionals, nor a manual on how to properly load a semiautomatic shotgun. It’s a book about what’s commonly referred to as “flyover country,” the vast portion of real estate that sits between the East Coast and the West Coast and which more often than not votes red instead of blue, roots for the Cowboys in the NFL and the Cardinals in the National League, and has three or more Bibles in every house.
It’s where there’s nothing unusual at all about God, guns, grits, or gravy. It’s not a novelty; it’s not strange or weird. It’s a way of life. It’s where I was born, raised, and have lived my entire life. I like it. I feel at home there.
If you’re a social conservative who has faith in God and believes in the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, you’ll thoroughly enjoy this book. Liberals, Marxists, atheists, and self-styled “progressives” will probably find the book shocking because Mike Huckabee is unashamedly patriotic and Christian in his view of the world.
At one event where I was present in Richmond, Virginia on January 27th Governor Huckabee explained that those living in “fly-over” country are assaulted constantly by the values of the elites on TV and in movies and understand their worldview. On the other hand, those in liberal “bubble-villes” have no concept of the cares and values of the citizens in “bubba-villes.”
I have been at many events with Governor Mike Huckabee over a span of decades and I can say without hesitation that his very presence changes the political climate. During the 2008 campaign the debates were more civil, and social issues were present because Mike Huckabee was there. Win or lose, Mike Huckabee changes the entire dialog of the presidential debates! He brings our issues to national attention, issues that the mainstream media and the elites of both the Democrat and Republican Party will otherwise deliberately exclude.
You can help Mike Huckabee and GING-PAC by buying his new book through a link to Amazon as well. If you click on the link to Amazon from a portion of the sale amount goes to GING-PAC. And the more copies of Mike’s book that sell, the more attention the media has to give to him and his book, and our issues which are the heart of his message.
Buy a copy of “God, Guns, Grits And Gravy” today using this link to Amazon and you will be helping support the work of GING-PAC in electing social conservatives to Congress and the White House in 2016. Also of course, it’s an insightful, interesting book. “Elections have consequences” – That is what Barack Obama said when he won the presidency, promising to “fundamentally change” America. From same-sex marriage to forbidding military chaplains to pray in the name of Jesus, he has done just that — fundamentally changed this nation.
We can’t go back to 1981 and the days of Ronald Reagan. The times are different, the nation is different and the world is far different. What is needed now is a forward thinker in the White House who can move the nation in a better direction than it is headed. Mike Huckabee can’t take us back in time, but he can lead the nation to something better than what we have now.
Social conservatives can’t win elections by staying home and praying that those wanting social turmoil will have a change of heart. We must vote for social conservatives.
Behind the scenes, I have been associated with a group that is encouraging thousands of pastors to run for public office at all levels in 2016. Already one of my good friends in Virginia who was exposed to that organization’s message has started a campaign for State Senate. Imagine what would happen if 2,000 pastors were running for public office and Mike Huckabee was running for president! We could “fundamentally change” this nation.
REMEMBER: Your support is needed for the special elections this year. Please help this month to make sure we have funds on hand for situations like the open seat in New York’s 11th District which I wrote about in last month’s Campaign Update.
William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013