GING-PAC Endorses Russ Fulcher For Idaho House Seat

Mar 7th, 2018 | By | Category: Candidates, House of Representative
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Former Idaho State Senator Russ Fulcher is running for the 1st Congressional District in Idaho. He is a businessman and spent 10 years in the Idaho Senate fighting for conservative principles and policies. GING-PAC is endorsing him!

Fulcher is openly pro-life. As he puts it:

As a father of three young adults, I have always been ardently pro-life. I believe that life begins at conception, and that every unborn child has the inherent right to life. For my longstanding efforts to protect the unborn in the Idaho Legislature, I received the “Friend for Life” award from Idaho Chooses Life in 2013 and the “Legacy of Life” award from Stanton Healthcare in 2014.

Fulcher is for a strong military, but he believes wars should be fought with the approval of Congress – not be open-ended campaigns without a strategy to win. He states:

One of the core roles the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government is to protect and defend the people and territory of the United States. Defense is also critical to ensure our liberties, freedoms, commerce, and way of life are preserved.

I will do all I can to ensure our military remains strong: Well-trained; fully equipped; and ready to protect and defend our country. I will also push to end the budgetary gridlock that so often entangles our military. We need a steady spending stream in our defense to ensure the military can plan around procurement, construction, and training that are the backbone of readiness should a crisis occur or should we need to deploy for a longer period of time to protect our interests abroad.

This is important in part, because our constitution gives Congress – specifically, the House of Representatives – with the power over “war and peace.” I oppose nation-building and excessively long engagements that lack a definition and strategy to win. The job of the military is to fight and win wars, defending our homeland and our interests only. I also oppose any military operation that is not approved and supported by a proper act of the Congress and led by the U.S. military.

Learn more about Russ Fulcher here: Issues – Russ Fulcher for Congress.


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