Editor: William J. Murray
Special Elections Looming For House Seats
Kansas Special Election:

Ron Estes
Kansans will be going to the polls on April 11 to pick a replacement for Congressman Mike Pompeo, who is now head of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Trump Administration.
Pompeo represented Wichita, the largest city in Kansas and Republicans have safely held this seat since 1994 when Todd Tiahrt ousted Democrat Dan Glickman.
The Kansas GOP recently nominated Ron Estes to replace Pompeo in the 4th District House.
Estes is Kansas Treasurer and originally supported Senator Marco Rubio for President of the United States. He later served as a Trump elector and supports President Trump’s agenda for America. Estes is described by Kansas Right to Life as a pro-lifer.
Democrats hope to link Estes to President Trump in an effort to smear him, but it will likely just make him more popular and ensure his victory on April 11.

Greg Gianforte
Montana Special Election
Montana GOP voters have nominated a former nominee for governor to replace Congressman Ryan Zinke, who was picked by President Trump to become the Secretary of the Interior. Montana has only one at-large Congressman. The special election takes place on May 25.
Greg Gianforte is the former owner of RightNow Technologies, a company he sold to Oracle for $1.8 billion.
Gianforte, a committed Christian, founded the Gianforte Family Foundation, which he uses to provide grants to Christian and conservative groups throughout Montana and the rest of the nation. The mission statement of the Foundation states: “The primary mission of the Gianforte Family Foundation is to support the work of Christian organizations engaged in education, poverty, and outreach work. There is a predisposition toward organizations serving people in Montana, and those organizations with which the Gianforte family has personal relationships.”
Gianforte has been relentlessly smeared by atheists and “progressives” for defending the biblical account of creation and for providing grant money to a dinosaur and fossil museum in Glendive, Montana that supports biblical creationism.
We expect him to be ridiculed in the media as an opponent of “science” and an enemy of education because of his Biblical views. Such lies are unlikely to succeed, however. Why? Because the House seat Gianforte is running for has been held by Republicans for 21 years. His Democrat opponent is a musician with no political experience.
It is likely that Greg Gianforte will become the next at-large Congressman from Montana and will be a welcome addition to other social conservatives in the House of Representatives.
South Carolina Special Election

Chad Connelly
Christian conservative businessman Chad Connelly is GING-PAC’s pick to replace Mick Mulvaney in South Carolina’s 5th congressional district. Mulvaney is now head of the Office of Management and Budget in the Trump Administration.
The S.C. GOP primary takes place on May 2nd.
Connelly formerly served as National Director of Faith Engagement for the Republican National Committee.
In Connelly’s election announcement letter he stated:
I’ve never held public office but have been a small business owner for over 20 years. After my US Army and SC Army National Guard days as a Tank Commander and Platoon Leader, I spent eight great years working in and learning about corporate America. That’s when I took another leap by deciding to write a book on American Christian history and the free enterprise system. I have been working ever since to encourage Christians to engage more in the public arena.
Over the past 3½ years, I have had the privilege of traveling and speaking in over 40 states and in front of over 80,000 pastors and priests and faith leaders encouraging them to re-engage this culture and take back our land! …I have told people who have encouraged me to run that it would have to be God Himself to make an opportunity available. With Donald Trump’s historic and unpredicted win, we have been shown that opportunity. …
You can count on me to fight for free market principles to bring jobs back to our land, protect the unborn and defund Planned Parenthood, encourage work not welfare, restore a strong national defense while always taking care of our veterans, re-establish the rule of law and our sovereignty and insure the protection of our most sacred rights of freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms. …
Connelly was recently endorsed by South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan, another GING-PAC endorsed lawmaker and is a longtime friend of former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.
Georgia Special Election
There are currently 11 GOP candidates vying to replace former Congressman Tom Price in the 6th District of Georgia. Price is now head of the Department of Health and Human Services in the Trump Administration and will oversee the dismantling of Obamacare. We have not made a pick yet but there are some standouts.

Judson Hill
Among those GOP candidates is Georgia State Senator Judson Hill, a Christian conservative who was the first politician to declare his intent to take Price’s seat. Hill has the support of former Congressman Newt Gingrich and the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. He and his family attend Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, where he serves as a Sunday school and Bible study teacher.
Hill is a former Assistant Attorney General under President Reagan, and an officer in the Georgia State Defense Force (a disaster relief organization).
A special election to replace Tom Price is scheduled for April 18 with a runoff election on June 20 if necessary.
President Trump barely won this district. This fact is encouraging to Democrats who plan on smearing any GOP candidate as a Trump surrogate.
We believe that State Senator Judson Hill could win Tom Price’s seat.
California Special Election
California voters will be picking a replacement for Congressman Xavier Becerra, a Democrat who resigned from the House to become California’s Attorney General under far leftist Gov. Jerry Brown. California’s former AG Kamala Harris resigned and won a U.S. Senate seat.
The left is firmly entrenched in control of California politics, including House District 34, vacated by Becerra. The special election will take place on April 4. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, a general election runoff will take place on June 6.
Currently, there are 23 candidates vying for Becerra’s House seat. Most are liberal Democrats, Green candidates or libertarians.
Among them are Republican William Morrison, an apartment manager who has run and lost races for Los Angeles City Council, the state Senate and for L.A. Mayor.
Another candidate is Mark Edward Padilla, who has no party preference. He is an administrator of an immigration law firm and former Catholic school teacher. He is also on the board of a crisis pregnancy center in Montebello, California, and is involved in an anti-euthanasia group.The 34th Congressional District is heavily Latino and has been a safe district for Democrats for decades. We expect a leftist Democrat to win Becerra’s seat.
Keep Congressional Candidates and Their Families in Your Prayers
Those candidates listed above who have taken a stand for moral and conservative values need your constant, faithful prayers as they seek to serve in the House of Representatives. They will undoubtedly have to face ridicule, scorn and personal attacks by Democrats and by the leftist-controlled media. Their families might even come under personal attacks from the smear merchants of the left.
Amoral leftists have already shown that they are willing to go to any extremes to maintain or gain political power and they are determined that destroying their enemies is all that matters. We expect violence to increase at political rallies and expect there to be injuries inflicted by the unhinged “progressive” army unleashed by Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders.
Jeff Sessions’ Alabama U.S. Senate Seat Filled by Appointment
Shortly after Senator Jeff Sessions was sworn in as Attorney General of the United States under the Trump Administration Alabama Governor Robert Bentley named the Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange to fill his seat.

Jeff Sessions & Luther Strange
In 2012, Alabama Attorney General Strange joined the EWTN Global Catholic Network in a lawsuit against the Obama Administration over its requirement that religious groups provide contraception, sterilization and abortion-including drugs in their health care plans.
Senator Strange is an opponent of same-sex marriage and attends an Episcopalian church. As he enters office as an appointee of the Governor he will face election in 2018.
Senator Strange (right) was sworn in to replace Senator Sessions, who became Attorney General, on February 9th
Republicans have a razor-thin majority of 52 in the Senate and some of those GOP Senators are unreliable votes on social conservative issues. However, in 2018 Democrats will be defending 23 Senate seats and it will be a good year to defeat some of the more liberal Senators and replace them with social conservatives.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Seeks to Drain the Obama DOJ Swamp
The confirmation of former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to become President Trump’s Attorney General of the Department of Justice, is already having a positive impact on the future of law and order in America. AG Sessions recently asked for the resignations of 46 U.S. Attorneys who had been appointed by Barack Hussein Obama. These Obama lackeys will be cleaning out their desks and moving on to law firms engaged in undermining President Trump’s agenda, but at least they won’t be subverting the Trump Administration from the inside. In addition, we fully expect Attorney General Sessions to drain the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Divisions of the Obama subversives planted deep there. Perhaps so we can once again have an actual Department of Justice instead of a Department of Social Justice that only benefitted Obama’s far left social agenda.
Keep up to date at the GING-PAC Internet site at WWW.GINGPAC. ORG. We must use these next four years to strengthen social conservatives already in office and to encourage others seeking office to run in 2018 and 2020.
Thank you for your previous support of GING-PAC and we look forward to more political victories this year and in 2018 and 2020.
William J. Murray, chairman – Government Is Not God – PAC