Editor: William J. Murray
Roy Moore Faces Rabid Soros-Linked Leftist
By William J. Murray, GING-PAC chairman

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore
One of the most important special elections this year pits conservative Christian Roy Moore against Doug Jones, a radical leftist who has worked for George Soros-funded organizations.
The differences between Jones and Moore are crystal clear. Former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore seeks a Senate seat to fight for the U.S. Constitution, religious liberty, the right to life of unborn babies and the traditional family. Jones has been fighting for felony voting “rights” and worked for a Soros-funded group that seeks to turn U.S. Attorneys into social justice warriors who will use the law to impose a “progressive” agenda on all Americans.
Judge Moore was recently interviewed by WND on what he sees as the greatest threats to America. While external threats are serious, Moore sees internal threats as being more menacing to our freedoms. According to Moore, “We’ve got more of a threat from the internal. That’s why the oath taken is to defend and protect America from all enemies [foreign] and domestic. We’ve got a lot of domestic enemies that are degrading our country and making us weak,” he said. “We are losing our structure of government. No foreign country will destroy us. We will be destroyed from within when we give up an understanding of the Constitution and how it restrains power all the way down to the people.”
He continued: “The hardest thing to relay to the media is the relevance of God to a prosperous country. If we don’t understand that then we lose our country because we don’t understand that things like God-given rights are inalienable because they are not given by government – they are given by God. That means that government can’t take them from you. When we forget that, government will take your rights from you.
“When God gives rights no government can take them from you. When you deny God, government certainly has an ability to take away your rights, and that’s the problem that we face today. We’ve been convinced that government give us our rights, the Constitution somehow gives it to us. The Constitution doesn’t give us our rights, it takes them from us.”
The special election takes place on December 12. Please pray for Judge Moore. He faces ridicule in the leftist media and a well-funded opponent who will say and do anything to get elected.

Congressman Steve King (R-IA)
Congressman Steve King (R-IA) Introduces ‘Heartbeat Protection Act’
At the end of October, Iowa Congressman Steve King introduced H.R. 490, the “Heartbeat Protection Act” to protect unborn babies from abortion. The legislation currently has 170 co-sponsors. According to King: “Since Roe v. Wade was unconstitutionally decided in 1973, nearly 60 million innocent babies’ lives have been ended by the abortion industry, all with a rubber stamp by the federal government, Human life, beginning at the moment of conception, is sacred in all of its forms and we must protect the lives of voiceless innocents. The Heartbeat Protection Act, H.R. 490, will require all physicians, before conducting an abortion, to detect the heartbeat of the unborn child and if a heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected.”
Congressman King is one of the most aggressive and principled social conservatives in Congress – and we’re pleased to endorse him for re-election in 2018.
Congressman Devin Nunes Exposes Hillary Clinton/DNC Scam To Smear President Trump
GING-PAC endorsed Congressman Devin Nunes is the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He’s been doggedly investigating the origins of the bogus Russian dossier that has been used by Democrats to smear President Trump ever since his election in November, 2016.
Nunes discovered the evidence that the Obama Administration has spied on Trump campaign associates and unmasked their names and leaked them to leftist newspapers. He’s also recently uncovered who secretly funded the Russian dossier. It was the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. He’s also discovered that the Obama FBI was involved in providing partial funding for the dossier.
These are blockbuster discoveries – and they would never have been found if not for the work of Devin Nunes. He deserves praise for his determination – and he’s not finished with his investigative work. We expect him to discover more Democrat corruption in the months ahead.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH)
John Boehner Hates Congressman Jim Jordan
GING-PAC supported Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) was the recent target of a drunken tirade by former Speaker of the House John Boehner who gave an interview to the leftist Politico in late October.
In a drunken tirade, Boehner used profanity to describe his hatred for Jordan and called him a “legislative terrorist.” Why? Because Congressman Jordan is a man of honor who thinks GOP legislators should keep their word to their constituents – and to pass conservative legislation – to benefit all Americans. Boehner was a Swamp Creature.
While Speaker of the House, Boehner had to fight off a campaign by Jordan to have him replaced with someone who would spend time passing good legislation, not surrendering to Democrats. During this battle, Boehner had the support of far left lunatic Nancy Pelosi. That tells you all you need to know about the alcohol-consuming Boehner.
Congressman Jordan is currently the Chairman of the House Committee On Oversight And Government Reform. He has been aggressively involved in the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal, and the current scandals involving Russia Kremlin collusion with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee.
New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith Awarded Religious Freedom Honor
GING-PAC endorsed Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) was recently honored by the group In Defense of Christians for his work in defending the religious liberties of persecuted religious and ethnic communities around the world.
In receiving the 2017 IDC Cedars Of God Award, he said: “As you all know well, people of faith and conscience are suffering and dying for their beliefs around the world right now. There is so much more to do. People of faith around the world face genocide, torture, imprisonment, and severe restrictions on the most fundamental decisions of faith and conscience.”
Smith is the author of the Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act and the Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act, which has not yet been passed by the Senate.
Senator James Inhofe: Replace All Anti-Trump Legislators
In late October, all GOP Senators had a luncheon with President Trump to discuss his legislative agenda. Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe, a GING-PAC endorsed lawmaker attended the luncheon and summarized it this way: “After I saw and witnessed yesterday the overwhelming loud approval and support for the president that we had yesterday at the lunch, I got to thinking, you know, maybe we do better by having some of the people who just don’t like him leave, and replace them with somebody else. And I think that’s what is happening.”
Inhofe was likely referring to Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker. Both “moderates” and anti-Trumpers have decided to retire. They were facing tough GOP primaries from hard-core conservatives and would have undoubtedly been embarrassed by how badly they would be beaten. Let’s hope that Inhofe’s advice is heeded by more anti-Trumpers in the House and Senate. If GOP Senators and Representatives fail to enact President Trump’s pro-American agenda, they should resign.
Senator James Lankford: Defender Of Religious Liberty
Former Christian camp director James Lankford was elected to the House and later ran and won a Senate seat from the great state of Oklahoma. He is the co-chair of the Congressional Prayer Caucus and has been a leading defender of religious liberty. One of his latest efforts is to secure the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to become a judge on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Barrett’s confirmation hearing was marred by leftist Democrats questioning whether or not she could faithfully interpret laws because of her Christian faith!
In late October, at a press conference on Amy Barrett’s confirmation vote, Sen. Lankford observed: It is one of the grand issues of our day that amazingly enough is unresolved. Can you have a faith in America and live it?…This week, among many things dealing with judges, is resolving the issue of the free exercise of religion. Do Americans need not apply to be judges, to be in public office, to be able to serve in the federal government if they have a faith, and they live their faith? Or can we, as we have said for more than 200 years, you can have any faith, live your faith, or have no faith at all and still be a great American…That’s not who we are. That’s not who we should be. I’m glad we’re moving forward on Amy Barrett’s nomination to be able to say, let’s evaluate people based on their qualifications, not based on their private faith.
Prospects For 2018 Elections
The prospects look good for electing more social conservatives to the House and Senate in 2018. Republicans must defend eight seats in the Senate in 2018. Democrats must defend 23 with two independents who usually vote with them.
Moderate Republicans are jumping ship so they won’t have to face aggressive conservative challengers in GOP primaries. Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have announced they’re retiring. Rumors are spreading that Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch is retiring and that Mitt Romney wants his seat. Former Arizona State Senator Kelli Ward wants Flake’s seat; Congressman Marsha Blackburn wants Corker’s seat. It is too early to tell who the GOP candidates will be to challenge the 23 Democrats, but with all of the current news exposing the DNC as a Kremlin-linked criminal enterprise, it is likely that Democrats will lose many Senate seats – thus giving the GOP a large majority in that body. The DNC, as you may recall is run by potty mouthed leftist Tom Perez and Muslim radical Congressman Keith Ellison. The DNC was formerly run by corruptocrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who resigned after being exposed fixing the nomination process to keep Bernie Sanders from becoming the Democrat nominee for POTUS.
Support GING-PAC’s Work To Elect Social Conservatives
As you can see from our summary of the work of GING-PAC endorsed Senators and Congressmen, these legislators are doing important work to defend unborn children, religious freedom, national security, and to expose the Deep State, the DNC and the Hillary Clinton criminal cartel. We need to increase their numbers in the House and Senate in 2018. Please consider a generous monthly donation to GING-PAC so we can provide funds to the social conservatives running in 2018! God bless you!
William J. Murray, Chairman – Government Is Not God – PAC