Posts Tagged ‘ criminals ’

Sen. Paul: Hauling Kids Through Desert Is Child Abuse

Jun 21st, 2018 | By

Watch the latest video at Senator Rand Paul (R-KY): “I think we ought to look at a way to try to not separate the families, but we should also understand our first priority should be to keep everybody safe. I think, children in an area where people are being detained for illegally coming across

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Steve King Introduces Bill To Jail Officials Who Aid Criminal Illegal Aliens

May 22nd, 2018 | By

Congressman Steve King, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, announces that he has introduced legislation targeting state and local officials in Sanctuary Cities who act to obstruct Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) efforts to enforce federal immigration laws. King’s bill, HR 5884- the “Mayor Libby Schaaf Act of 2018,” is named after the infamous

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