Posts Tagged ‘ Dr. Kelli Ward ’

Kelli Ward Debates Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio!

Aug 7th, 2018 | By

On August 2, Arizona Senate candidate Kelli Ward engaged in a lengthy debate with former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is also running for the Senate seat of Jeff Flake. Both support President Trump. Dr. Ward has been endorsed by GING-PAC — and previously served in the Arizona State Senate.

GING-PAC Endorses Kelli Ward To Replace Jeff Flake In Senate!

Jul 16th, 2018 | By

GING-PAC is endorsing former State Senator Kelli Ward to replace wobbly Jeff Flake in the U.S. Senate. Dr. Ward is a social conservative with a credible record of upholding the right to life, religious liberty, national sovereignty and the Constitution. Ward is being challenged in the August primary by former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and

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