Posts Tagged ‘ Donald Trump ’

House Judiciary Demanding James Comey Memos

Apr 15th, 2018 | By

Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) is head of the House Judiciary Committee investigating corruption at the DOJ and FBI. He is demanding that the DOJ/FBI hand over memos written by James Comey before he was fired by President Trump. Comey is launching a book tour on Tuesday to smear Trump and justify his actions in leaking

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Sen. Lankford Discusses Russian Interference In Our Elections

Mar 23rd, 2018 | By

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) appeared on Fox News yesterday morning to discuss Russian interference in the 2016 election cycle and potential threats to the 2018 mid-terms. Democrats have claimed for more than a year that Vladimir Putin wanted to install Donald Trump as POTUS, but there’s far more evidence of Hillary Clinton conspiring with Russian

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Senator Rand Paul Takes On John Brennan And The Deep State Liars

Mar 20th, 2018 | By

WASHINGTON, March 19, 2018: “We’re going to win so much,” said Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, “you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning.” For the cabal of the deep state, truer words were never said.

House Intelligence Committee Finds No Collusion Between Trump Campaign, Russia

Mar 13th, 2018 | By

The House Intelligence Committee has concluded interviewing witnesses in its Russian election-meddling investigation and completed a draft report concluding there was no collusion or coordination between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia, according to GOP panel members. “The bottom line: The Russians did commit active measures against our election in ’16, and we think they

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Nunes: Leftist Media Does Not Care About Hillary’s Collusion With Russians

Feb 22nd, 2018 | By

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss the House Intelligence Committee probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. He notes that the leftwing media in America doesn’t care about the extensive collusion between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and Russian operatives to subvert candidate Donald Trump’s campaign and to subvert

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Congressman Nunes Explains Democratic Party FISA Crimes!

Feb 6th, 2018 | By

Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA), who heads up the House Intelligence Committee, appeared on “Hannity” last night to discuss the Democratic Party’s criminal actions in using the FBI to spy on candidate Donald Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton. He also discussed the shameful coverage of this criminal conspiracy by a craven left-wing media. Watch both

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Trey Gowdy Says FBI Concealed Clinton Role In Steele Dossier

Feb 4th, 2018 | By

The House’s top investigator on Sunday said the FBI failed to notify a surveillance court it was relying on material funded by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign when it asked to snoop on an adviser tied to the Trump campaign.

Sen. Rand Paul: Harmful & Inaccurate To Smear Trump As Racist

Jan 15th, 2018 | By

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) appeared on “Meet The Press” yesterday to discuss the recent controversy over President Trump’s alleged vulgar comments about Haiti. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) spread misinformation about Trump’s comments. Paul knows from personal experience that Trump isn’t a racist and doesn’t despise the people of Haiti. Watch his important comments here:

Liberal Leaders Back Away From Anti-Trump Dossier

Jan 4th, 2018 | By

Washington’s liberal establishment suddenly is running from the Democratic Party’s Russia dossier, which for months was fodder for Democrats to hurl charges against President Trump and his campaign. … . A new liberal narrative has arisen since Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, launched a probe to find out

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‘Too Convenient’ — Republicans Question NYT’s Russia Probe Origin Story

Jan 3rd, 2018 | By

By Chuck Ross, The Daily Caller The New York Times published an article over the weekend laying out a new original story for the FBI’s investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion with the Russian government. The infamous Steele dossier was not the catalyst for the investigation, according to four unnamed government officials who spoke to

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