More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well?
More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well?
The Mayor of London is a Muslim, as is the mayor of Birmingham, the mayor of Leeds, the mayor of Bradford, the mayor of Newham and six more cities that have or had a Muslim mayor. Twenty-five members of the UK Parliament are Muslims.
Also in the UK, there are between 2,000 and 3,000 Muslim Mosques, depending on who is counting them. There are reportedly over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts that determine “domestic matters.” There are over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils.
There are numerous Muslims-Only “No-Go” areas of the UK that police and even firefighters are afraid to enter. About 78% of Muslim women don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing.
While the U.K. government claims that only 5.6% of Muslim men are unemployed, the statistics show that less than 50% of them have jobs! Most of the men live off the free “benefits” doled out to their multiple unofficial wives, who also collect benefits for their children. The average Muslim family has 6 to 8 children.
All UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT!
Money has to be paid to an Imam at a Mosque to declare food “halal.” It is not just how it is prepared; it must also be blessed with a seal by the Imam. Christian and Jewish children in the UK must eat food blessed by a Muslim cleric.
All this and Muslims are just 6.3% of the population – they are only 4 million out of a total of 66 million population!!!
And in America: It has started here, with the cities of Hamtramck and Dearborn in Michigan having Muslim mayors. They want special treatment for Muslims. And of course, there are the very radical Muslims whom the Democrat party has elected to Congress.
Ilhan Omar is the radical nutcase Muslim congresswoman representing the 5th district of Minnesota. This radical Marxist, who promotes BLM violence and supports Antifa’s anarchy and is violently anti-American. She won election in the Minnesota 5th congressional district and is running for reelection in 2022.
Cicely Davis to the rescue?
Ilhan Omar is the radical nutcase Muslim congresswoman representing the 5th district of Minnesota. This radical Marxist, who promotes BLM violence and supports Antifa’s anarchy and is violently anti-American. She won election in the Minnesota 5th congressional district and is running for reelection in 2022.
Cicely Davis is one of three pro-life candidates running in the August Republican primary. (A fourth Republican candidate is a “conservative” Sunni Muslim who says she is opposed to Ilhan Omar).
On a television program Cicely said she wants to remain obedient to Jesus Christ and referred to the Bible as a “life manual.” She often speaks of the need to obey “the Word of God.”
Cicely says the Democrat Party wants to break the moral code of Christians by forcing the acceptance of alternate lifestyles. She is pro-life and pro-family. Cicely advises voters to “Vote God.” Putting it bluntly, Cicely is the complete opposite of Ilhan Omar!
I have put off endorsements, waiting for good primary victories of pro-life, pro-family candidates because so many pro-life candidates are running in primaries.
But because Cicely Davis is so outspoken about her faith and so consistent in her speaking, I am taking the chance and endorsing her before the primary.
She is double fisted, saying out loud that Ilhan Omar has “incited thousands of criminals, ANTIFA thugs and Black Lives Matter Marxists to set innocent businesses ablaze … causing over $2 billion in property damage across the country.”
Cicely is also a graduate of Liberty University.
We need to support someone so outspoken against the violence of the far left!
GING-PAC is endorsing Cicely Davis for Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District.
A lot of Pennsylvania primary voters may have voted for Sunni Muslim TV doctor Mehmet Cengiz Oz, but I have no plans at all of supporting this fake. He is a Trojan Horse, a Turkish Sunni Muslim mystic of the Sufism varity.
Is he even an American? Oz may have been born in Cleveland, Ohio but he did two-year in the Turkish military in order to retain dual Turkish-American citizenship. Being a Turkish citizen was not automatic, he had to go to Turkey and voluntarily join the Turkish Army. Think about that. OZ WAS A TURKISH MUSLIM SOLDIER.
And he wants to hold on to his Turkish citizenship. (He said he would drop it if elected.) Why did he keep it so long and why did he vote in the Turkish election in 2018? Dr. Oz makes millions of dollars a year from his “Good Life” brand products, many of which are made in China. Dr. Oz pretends to be anti-China today, but he once performed heart operations at a Chinese military hospital and talked about the “greatness” of China.
The Republican Senate seat in Pennsylvania is lost. Once Christians in that state understand who the GOP candidate really is, they will just stay home on election day.
In Ohio JD Vance is the man to back. He has incredible background and a real political future! On June 21st I will meet with JD Vance. I will make an official endorsement of JD Vance after my meeting with him. Lots of endorsements in August!
To be effective in the general election in 2022, GING-PAC will need your support. Please send a donation by return mail or donate today at GINGPAC.ORG Thank you!
William J. Murray, GING-PAC Chairman