August, 2011 Campaign Update

Aug 16th, 2011 | By | Category: Newsletters
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CALIFORNIA 36thThe GING-PAC endorsed candidate lost in the special election held on July 12th for the 36th congressional district in California. Craig Huey had won an amazing victory in the primary race by finishing second with half a dozen candidates seeking the post. In the runoff election Huey faced Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn, who was bankrolled by unions, pro-abortionists, Hollywood limousine liberals and many leftist groups.  

The far left Hahn got 55% of the vote to Huey’s 45%.  Even this was surprising considering that the 36th is a heavily Democratic area running from Venice to San Pedro and includes Torrance. Hahn will still have to run for re-election in 2012. By then she will have established a radical voting record in the House which Huey can expose if he chooses to run again.

Going into the race Craig Huey was a long shot. GING-PAC supported him because he was delivering a pro-life, pro-family message in an area where schools don’t teach and newspapers don’t print anything that would be considered pro-Christian. Every dollar was worth the investment in educating people in that district that there is a different point of view. The seat had been held by the far left for decades.

NEW YORK 9thA Republican who is also on the Conservative party line, a radical left Democrat and a socialist are running to fill the seat held by disgraced Democrat Anthony Weiner whose career ended with his naked posts on Twitter.  Andy Sullivan, a construction worker who has led the effort to stop the Ground Zero mosque from being built in New York City tried and failed to get on the GOP ticket. Bob Turner was picked by the New York Republican Party and the Conservative Party to challenge Democrat NY Assemblyman David Weprin, an Obama-style radical. Weprin has been described in the New York media as a machine politician. He’s been endorsed by the smarmy Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Christopher Hoeppner of the Socialist Workers Party turned in 7,080 signatures to put his name and party on the ballot in the September 13 special election.

Former New York Mayor and lifelong Democrat Ed Koch has vowed that he will vote for the Republican Bob Turner in order to punish President Obama for his anti-Israel policies. According to Koch: “If Jewish New Yorkers and others who support Israel were to turn away from the Democratic Party in that congressional election and elect the Republican candidate to Congress in 2011, it might very well cause President Obama to change his hostile position on the state of Israel and to re-establish the special relationship presidents before him had supported.” Turner is now running a TV ad attacking Weprin for his support of the Ground Zero mosque.

GING-PAC has not made an endorsement. Although Bob Turner is a pro-life conservative Catholic who stands against same-sex marriage, he was also the producer of TV programs that are rather hard to justify, such as the Jerry Springer Show.

Help elect social conservatives to office

Congressman David Wu tiger suit

Former congressman David Wu in tiger suit

 OREGON 1stWhile many of the Democrats in the House such as Nancy Pelosi are sort of nuts, Congressman David Wu was truly nuts. Unlike Democrat Anthony Weiner who sent out photos with no clothes on, Wu sent out photos of himself in a tiger suit. He is also accused of making unwanted sexual advances to an 18-year-old girl. After his reelection most of his staff quit in disgust with his actions. Democrat leaders in Oregon said they were “relieved” by his departure as he continued to embarrass their party and the entire state on Capitol Hill.

A primary will be held on November 8th and the special election on January 31st, 2011. The winner will have to immediately begin to campaign for reelection in November of 2011. Unlike in California’s 36th which is overwhelming Democrat, there is an opportunity for a Republican to win in Oregon despite its liberal tendencies. Wu won in November of last year with 54% of the vote. Republican businessman Rob Cornilles has announced he will seek the seat. Cornilles, ran unsuccessfully against Wu in the 2010 general election. John Kuzmanich, an entrepreneur who owns U.S. Nationwide Mortgage in Beaverton, is also a possible Republican candidate as is Doug Keller, a Naval Academy graduate who served for 20 years in the Navy. As soon as we have more information on these candidates, hopefully an endorsement can be made.


I get all kind of letters, e-mail and calls asking me who social conservatives should back in the presidential race. The race is confusing at present and a lot is going on behind the scenes. Here is some inside information you will not read anywhere else:

There are evangelicals and then there are “insider” evangelicals. The insiders are the evangelicals with connections inside the Republican Party establishment and include many household names.  I do not not considered myself an “insider,” because I toss in the trash the talking points I get form the Republican Party headquarters. This is also why I am often not “on the same page” as other social conservative leaders, most of whom want Rick Perry at the top of the GOP ticket.

Right now virtually all of the evangelical “insiders” are either already working with or somehow associated with Governor Rick Perry in Texas. Some of my best friends have literally been working several days a week in Texas to help him get ready to run for president.

Here is their logic: Evangelical Michele Bachmann is “only” a congresswoman and probably too conservative to win. Evangelical Herman Cain has no political experience. Conservative Catholic Rick Santorum lost his last Senate bid in his home state. Converted Catholic Newt Gingrich has had a few too many wives. Ron Paul is a libertarian who would legalize drugs and prostitution, and the rest of the candidates are too liberal. The “insiders” believe they need an evangelical with a political background and a history of winning big, at least state wide. This is exactly how the evangelical “insiders” picked George W. Bush in 2010.

Will Rick Perry run? Yes. By the time you receive this update he may have already announced. As he travels from state to state you will see notable evangelical leaders standing with him. Governor Rick Perry is probably a good guy, but I have reservations that he may be just another career politician looking for his next promotion. I could be wrong; he may be a better version of President George W. Bush, but I want to hold off for a few months on making that call.

I know Michele Bachmann and in fact I have had lunch with her. She is real. I have met Herman Cain numerous times and held in depth conversations with him. He is real, but his lack of experience has caused him to shift positions and make enemies in the evangelical community. I have worked closely with Rick Santorum on projects when he was a Senator. He is solidly pro-life and will stand against radical Islam, but he is also horribly underfunded. As for Gingrich and Romney, I would not even consider backing either one. Gingrich has lost his touch and his campaign is sort of a joke. Romney is just an opportunist. Mitch Daniels and Jon Huntsman should probably not even be running as Republicans. As the race unfolds I will report honestly on the candidates.

             GING-PAC will be involved deeply in the 2012 election. Your help is appreciated.

 William J. Murray, Chairman
Government Is Not God – PAC
P.O. Box 77237, Washington, DC 20013


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One Comment to “August, 2011 Campaign Update”

  1. Jack says:

    re Brooklyn Congressional special election, Sept. 13:

    In January, the Obama/Weprin team will start taking away your family’s light bulbs. Turn to Bob Turner or watch the Obama/Weprin team turn off your 100 watt light bulbs this year and your 75 watt bulbs the following year, with 60s and 40s to follow.

    PLEASE tell Brooklyn GOP to use this – the “Obama/Weprin” off-a-cliff mailing may get a bit of benefit, but we all want to be able to turn on and off any light bulb at any time without burning out the government’s idea of a replacement bulb.

    I’m not a TEA person (I drink coffee). Seriously, I woke up well past 3am, had this idea, turned on a light and am typing this. The (incandescent) bulb went on instantly. I could turn on or off any bulb without thinking about a “15 minute recycle” delay time that would kill most “government” (CFL technology) bulbs if done routinely.

    I gre up with turn off any unused light bulbs. The new motto will have to be: DON’T turn off a bulb until it’s time to go to sleep. Will that save electricity? Turn on to Turner, and let him light things up. The district will be phased out anyway (post census-based redistricting), so why not use this opportunity to “send a message.”

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