GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2024

Jul 12th, 2024 | By | Category: Featured, Newsletters
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Immigration is number one concern of voters

Stunning new Gallup Poll

            A reliable Gallup poll indicates a sharp rise in concerns about illegal immigration. The latest poll shows illegal immigration as the top issue for 28% of likely voters. Government being a concern (problem) came in second at 20%.

            On the other side of the social issues, race relations were the top issue for just 4% of voters and homelessness was at 6%. Those are the top Democrat issues being pushed.

            And it gets worse for Democrats … On a specific question asked if large numbers of illegals were a critical threat to U.S. vital interests, an astounding 55% said yes.

            Still, the Secretary of Home Security Alejandro Mayorkas continues to wage legal warfare against Texas rather than to secure the border, which is his Constitutional duty.

            If only Republicans would campaign on issues that matter to voters, the House and Senate would soon be in the hands of the conservatives.

            Yet, most candidates stay away from immigration and the economy, even though only 26% of voters say the Biden economy is “excellent or good.”

            Instead, many of the top GOP candidates are talking Israel, the Ukraine and China. Some go after crime in the cities, which is a local issue. Congress cannot control crime in cities that tell their police not to arrest criminals. Immigration and the economy are top issues for voters!

Is abortion no longer a top issue?

            Republicans are backing off the abortion issue in the face of some lost special congressional and state level elections that are blamed on a big turnout of “pro-abortion”
women at the polls.” This may be more screwed than GOP leaders believe, as special elections
in particular have low voter participation.

            GOP politicians seeking office in toss-up districts or “purple” states are hedging their positions by simply backing the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade in 2022.

            An example is Dave McCormick running for the Senate in Pennsylvania. McCormick has a long distinguished military career and served in George W. Bush’s Administration as a National Security Advisor. His conservative positions are solid but …

            This is McCormick’s stance on abortion, and it mirrors many other Republicans currently running for high office:

“Dave recognizes that this is an incredibly polarizing issue, and we need to seek policies that unify the country. Dave is pro-life, is opposed to a national abortion ban, and supports exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother.” (Copied from

            McCormick’s position on abortion is also on track with the leader of the GOP ticket.

            In April of this year President Trump made it clear he would not sign a national law banning abortion and took to the side of State’s rights. In a videotaped message he said:

“My view is, now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land.”

President Trump’s position reflects a States’ rights attitude toward social issues. This holds true for issues regarding such contentious issues as sex change for minors and schools not informing parents of medical procedures.

These positions please libertarians who are economic conservatives but, in many cases, socially liberal. But what will social conservatives such as you do in November? If a candidate moves to the States’ rights position on abortion, will he/she get your vote?

Endorsements from GING-PAC for the general election are coming soon!

GING-PAC will work with the Senate candidates most willing to take on the “woke” culture that is rotting away the core values of our nation. I want to back true social conservatives who are anti-abortion and will stand up to the transexual agenda.

            Please send a donation by return mail or donate today at GINGPAC.ORG  Thank you!

William J. Murray, GING-PAC Chairman

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