The Senate: November decides it all
If Republicans don’t retake the Senate, Joe Biden will be able to appoint whoever he wants to whatever he wants. For two more years Joe Biden will be able to appoint ultra-liberal, soft-on-crime judges to federal courts at all levels. All of those judges will hold the concept of a “living Constitution” which translates to ignoring the original intent of the founders. Those judges will also be soft on crime.
Worst case scenario: An opening occurs at the Supreme Court and Joe Biden appoints another far left lunatic like Ketanji Brown Jackson, his first appointee. How bad is Justice Jackson? NARAL “celebrated” her appointment as did other radical pro-abortionists, gay activists and drag queens.
Rand Paul: There are Senators that we all must work to get reelected, and one of those is Senator Rand Paul who stood up to Dr. Fauci and the insane Covid-19 restrictions that nearly crippled our nation.
During Senate hearings, Senator Paul did not hesitate to question the logic and motives of Dr. Fauci. He has also introduced restrictions that Dr. Fauci still promotes, but even Joe Biden has backed away from.
I have known Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky) for many years. We have met many times and he actually quoted me in his latest book. He is a Christian and 100% pro-life. At his Internet site he proudly states:
I am 100% pro-life. As a doctor, I know that life begins at conception. And as an American, I know it is the duty of our government to protect the right to life. I will fight to protect every unborn child.
GING-PAC has helped to fund the reelection of Senator Rand Paul. Please help fund Rand Paul’s re-election in Kentucky by donating at
Ron Johnson: Senator Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) is another “must keep” in the Senate. In the Senate he has backed the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and other prolife bills.
Democrat bosses are spending millions to replace him with pro-abortion, LGBT activist Mandela Barnes. Homosexual activists from all over the nation are headed to Wisconsin to go door to door in support of Barnes. Why?
Barnes, who is now Lt. Governor of Wisconsin, has an LGBT flag in his office and he proudly states that it, “… includes black and brown stripes, which is an inclusive message to LGBTQ people of color.” He is another leftist politician centered on gender and race.
Support Senator Ron Johnson at:
Ted Budd: Another must win is Congressman Ted Budd, who is running for the Senate in North Carolina. He is pro-life and supports the rights of parents who are being excluded from decisions about their own children’s education in public schools.
Budd’s opponent, former North Carolina judge Cheri Beasley, is all about gender. The entire first page of her Internet site is about “women’s rights” which she sees as different from the rights of men. Of course, she is pro-abortion and believes parents should be excluded from decisions in the education of their children.
Support Ted Budd for Senate:
The “must win” congressional seat in Virginia
Yesli Vega is a nightmare for the Democrat party. She is a Hispanic law enforcement officer whose parents emigrated from El Salvador legally. She was born in Houston, Texas.
Her first words at every event and rally I have been at were to thank Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, Nancy Murray, Yesli Vega and William Murray at a reception in Virginia.
There are quotes from the Bible at her Internet site, and her statement on abortion reads in part:
“Our founding document says that life is a human right given to us by our Creator. I believe this statement and believe that every life is precious, which is why I’m proudly pro-life.”
She entered law enforcement because her brother was shot twice in an act of random violence but survived. Her first elected office was as a Supervisor in Prince William County, Virginia. She won by 13 points in s heavily Democrat district.
The idea of an openly Christian, pro-life Hispanic who believes in controlling the border scares the Democrats. The pro-abortion and LGBTQ PACs are flooding Virginia with cash to defeat her. Every group that hates the traditional family is working to reelect Abigail Spanberger.
You can support Yesli directly at To be effective in the general election in 2022, GING-PAC will need your support.
Please send a donation by return mail or donate today at GINGPAC.ORG Thank you!
William J. Murray, GING-PAC Chairman