Posts Tagged ‘ Apache helicopter pilot ’

Leftist Media Ignoring Black Conservative Senate Candidate

Oct 25th, 2018 | By

There is nothing more dangerous to leftists than a Black Conservative Christian running for political office. The leftist political elites believe they own Black voters for eternity. Michigan Senate candidate John James is a serious threat to their long-held monopoly on Black voters and they react in two ways: They vilify the Black conservative or

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GING-PAC Is Endorsing John James Against Leftist Sen. Debbie Stabenow

Sep 25th, 2018 | By

Former combat pilot John James is running for the Senate in Michigan against entrenched leftist Sen. Debbie Stabenow. GING-PAC endorses him! James is a social conservative, Christian and vocal pro-lifer who graduated from West Point in 2004 and became a Ranger-qualified chopper pilot. He served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, leading two Apache helicopter platoons. After

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