Posts Tagged ‘ Facebook censorship ’

Congressman King Defends Black Conservatives From Facebook Censorship

Apr 27th, 2018 | By

At a hearing yesterday in Washington, D.C., Iowa Congressman Steve King described the serious censorship crisis facing conservatives and Christians from Facebook. Two of those victims, known as “Diamond and Silk” appeared before the committee to explain how Facebook censored their free speech. King noted in his opening statement that Facebook is also censoring Christians

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Sen. Scott Speaks Out On Facebook Censorship Of Two Conservative Black Women

Apr 13th, 2018 | By

South Carolina Senator Tim Scott slams Facebook for its recent censorship of two conservative black women who are known as “Diamond and Silk” on the Internet. They currently have more than a million followers, but were recently banned from Facebook for being a danger to the Facebook community. Sen. Scott asks the question: How could

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