
Arizona Senate Candidate Speaks Out On Border Security

Jun 20th, 2018 | By

Arizona Senate candidate Kelli Ward appeared with Lou Dobbs yesterday evening to discuss border security and the political games being played by Democrats over children who are brought illegally into America by the thousands each year. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and other swamp dwellers think they’ve found an issue that will sink the GOP this

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GING-PAC Candidate Ryan McAdams Wins GOP Primary In Virginia!

Jun 13th, 2018 | By

Political newcomer Pastor Ryan McAdams won his GOP primary yesterday with 73% of the vote. He’ll face Democrat Congressman Donald McEachin in the November election. McAdams may become the next Congressman from the 4th Congressional District. McEachin is a lock-step liberal who consistently votes against the right to life and opposes efforts to punish sanctuary

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GING-PAC Endorses Virginian Ryan McAdams For House Of Representatives

Jun 8th, 2018 | By

Virginia Pastor Ryan McAdams is running for Congress in the 4th Congressional District of Virginia. We enthusiastically endorse his candidacy. McAdams is a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute, earned a BS in Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University, and earned a Masters of Divinity in 1997 at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. He currently

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GING-PAC Endorsed Sen. Fischer Wins Primary For Second Term

May 17th, 2018 | By

Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer won her GOP primary on Tuesday against four other GOP candidates. She’ll face Democrat Jane Raybould, a Lincoln City Councilwoman in November. Fischer is heavily favored to win in this deep-red state. She was elected to the Senate in 2012 after defeating Republican State Attorney General Jon Bruning and State Treasurer

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Russ Fulcher Wins GOP Primary In Idaho Congressional Race

May 16th, 2018 | By

 GING-PAC endorsed candidate Russ Fulcher defeated four other opponents in the race for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District yesterday. He won 45% of the vote. His closest opponent only received 16% of the vote. Fulcher is replacing Raul Labrador, who left Congress to run for Idaho governor. He lost his race yesterday. Fulcher is a former

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Steve King Video: Use Drug Testing To Expose Opioid “Dealers and Stealers”

May 9th, 2018 | By

To change the epidemic of drug abuse in the country, we will have to change the culture Washington, D.C.- Congressman Steve King, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, releases this video of his exchange today with Administrator Robert Patterson of the Drug Enforcement Agency. Patterson was testifying during the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing examining

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Congressman Jordan: GOP, Do What You Promised!

Apr 26th, 2018 | By

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan and Tucker Carlson had a lively discussion a few days ago about how crazy the Democratic Party has become and what the GOP should do to win elections in 2018 and 2020. Carlson rightly points out that Democrats want open borders and are now denying that men and women are biologically

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GING-PAC Endorsed Candidate Debbie Lesko Wins Special Election In Arizona!

Apr 25th, 2018 | By

Watch the latest video at Former State Senator Debbie Lesko has won her special election race in Arizona to replace our friend Trent Franks in the House of Representatives! Franks resigned earlier this year. Lesko is a strong social conservative who will fight for conservative and biblical values in the House of Representatives. Leftists

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Debbie Lesko Seeks To Replace Trent Franks

Apr 17th, 2018 | By

Former Arizona state legislator Debbie Lesko is running in a special election to replace social conservative Trent Franks in the House. The election takes place on April 24. Recent polls show her behind and ahead, so the outcome is clearly unknown. Please pray for Mrs. Lesko. She is a genuine social conservative and will be

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GING-PAC Endorses E.W. Jackson For Senate

Apr 10th, 2018 | By

  Bishop E.W. Jackson is running in the GOP primary on June 12 for the Senate seat currently held by radical leftist Tim Kaine. We endorse him! Jackson is the founder of Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Virginia. He is a former Marine and earned a law degree from Harvard. His biography on his campaign

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