Posts Tagged ‘ Rand Paul ’

August 2016 Campaign Update

Aug 22nd, 2016 | By

In this issue of the GING-PAC Campaign Update: Left only interested in getting rid of one immigrant – TRUMP’S WIFE / Down to wire to unset the angry old man Arizona / Rand Paul endorsed by GING-PAC as he works to stop Saudi Arabia human rights abuses.

December, 2013 Campaign Update

Dec 31st, 2013 | By

The Truth about lobbying: Outside the beltway, lobbying is a dirty word. In reality lobbying serves an important function. Various groups both left and right slam the idea of lobbying, and some would even like to outlaw the activity. Without it, though, congressmen and Senators would be working in the dark. How could a Senator decide what was best for his state if he were not allowed to talk to the ten largest employers in his state? Think about it. What if congressmen were not allowed to have conversations with the representatives of city or county governments?

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