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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2022

Jun 20th, 2022 | By

More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well? More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well? The Mayor of London is a Muslim, as is the mayor of Birmingham, the mayor of Leeds, the mayor of Bradford, the mayor of Newham and six more cities that have or had

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2022

Apr 24th, 2022 | By

What is the November election about? The last Wednesday in March I was at an invitation only lunch for a briefing on Senate and House activity. A spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gave a twenty minute detailed talk on actions in the Senate without once mentioning a social conservative issue. This failure to

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2022

Feb 14th, 2022 | By

Four kinds of Republicans running for office             This is a critical election year. The congressional elections in November could stop cold the movement toward a radical “woke” society and socialism. Electing enough Republicans to the House and Senate may or may not be enough to stop that radical agenda.             Why do I say,

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GINGPAC Endorses Lori Saine in Colorado’s Eighth Congressional District

Feb 14th, 2022 | By

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Government is Not God – PAC is proud to endorse social conservative candidate Lori Saine in Colorado’s eighth congressional district race.   Government Is Not God chairman, William J Murray announced the endorsement of pro-life, freedom fighter Lori Saine for Congress in the 2022 election cycle. Murray said, “Lori Saine stood for pro-family

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Sep/Oct 2021

Oct 14th, 2021 | By

Nancy Pelosi: Masks for you but not for me — and not for my donors             Napa Valley, California is a favorite of California liberals and a great place for a fund-raising event. And there is Nancy standing maskless at the head of the table. None of the more than 100 guests at her fund

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Sep 29th, 2021 | By

Ohio 15th Congressional: The 15th in Ohia is a battleground district. The seat became vacant when congressman Steve Stivers (R), resigned to become the President and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, effective May 16, 2021. A great pro-life candidate, Mike Carey, who stands for traditional family values won the August 15th primary on the

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jul/Aug 2021

Aug 24th, 2021 | By

In Person in Washington: Changing face of advocacy: During the pandemic there was a shut down of most activity inside Washington, DC,  virtually everything was done by Zoom. Most federal workers have still not returned to their offices in Washington, and Capitol Hill is like a ghost town. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has kept high fencing

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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2021

Jun 14th, 2021 | By

MUST WIN AGAIN It is incredibly important that Senator Tim Scott wins reelection in South Carolina in 2022. The left, including BLM, want him out of office because he is the “wrong color” to be conservative. According to the culture police who control all forms of media and education, conservative thought is exclusive to older

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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2021

Mar 31st, 2021 | By

WE WON: The first GING-PAC candidate endorsed in a special election in 2021 has won by a wide margin in a state with a gorilla primary! Julia Letlow wins in Louisiana: In the February GING-PAC newsletter, I told you about Julia Letlow, the widow of Luke Letlow who won the seat in the November general

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Mar 23rd, 2021 | By

I decided to back Christian conservative candidate Sery Kim for the vacant seat in the Texas 6th district. Then the race sort of turned into a circus. Because the special election is May 1st, I interviewed Sery Kim on the phone for more than 30 minutes. I spoke to other candidates as well, but I

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