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Feb 5th, 2021 |
By wjmurray
The 2020 election – It is official: The Democrats took over the Senate when both incumbent Republican senators were defeated in the solid Republican state of Georgia on January 5th. The Republican party in Georgia has been destroyed by infighting and in the next election the Democrats will probably take over the governorship as well.
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Apr 15th, 2013 |
By wjmurray
We lost a key GOP primary election in South Carolina recently. Voters in the GOP primary chose Mark Sanford, a confessed adulterer, over a strong social conservative in the 1st Congressional District. GING-PAC had supported two social conservatives in that race, but South Carolinian Republicans apparently figured a man who was unfaithful to his wife would be a good choice to run against liberal Elizabeth Colbert Busch in the special election in June. The South Carolina GOP has just handed over the 1st Congressional District to a leftist. It had been firmly in the hands of conservatives for years.
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Tags: Congress, Forbes, GING-PAC, Obama
Mar 15th, 2013 |
By wjmurray
Larry Grooms continues to receive endorsements from seated congressmen for the 1st congressional special election in South Carolina while Fox News continues to puff the son of left-wing nut Ted Turner for the open seat. Congressman Trent Franks asks why Obama never says a critical word about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Popular Senator Johanns has announced he will not run again / President Obama appears ready to extradite a German family who seek to stay in the USA because they will be jailed for home-schooling their children, Meanwhile Obama has release over 2,000 illegals from jail who are convicted criminals.
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Tags: GING-PAC, Illegals released, Larry Grooms, Obama, Senator Johanns, Teddy Turner, special election
Feb 4th, 2013 |
By wjmurray
GING-PAC endorses Larry Grooms for Congress in the South Carolina 1st District race! State Senator Larry Grooms has a solid record of upholding traditional marriage, the sanctity of human life, a strong national security and limited government. He’s both a social and economic conservative. Larry faces a primary challenge in March, with the special election to be held in May.
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Tags: Chuck Hagel, Congress, GING-PAC, Larry Grooms, Ted Cruz
Apr 24th, 2012 |
By wjmurray
April news from GING-PAC. newly endorsed candidates included Steve King in Iowa, Sandy Adams in Florida and Ken Timmerman in Maryland. Planned Parenthood has a “toxic ten” list of pro-life congressman and Senators they want to defeat that includes Marco Rubio of Florida, a Senator GING-PAC helped to elect. Chairman William J. Murray discusses the effect of the Rick Santorum candidacy and why GING-PAC helped keep him on the road.
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Tags: Allen West, GING-PAC, Ken Timmerman, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Obama, Sandy Adams, Steve King, Van Hollan
Mar 21st, 2012 |
By wjmurray
Imagine the GOP primary run by the Fox Business Network. Imagine the GOP presidential primary with no mention of the murder of thirty-five million babies under Roe v. Wade. Imagine the entire presidential primary going by with same-sex marriage as a given, and not a single word said against it by any candidate. Imagine forcing Christian pharmacists to hand out pills to induce abortion and not a single word said against it by a presidential candidate. Imagine Christian schools being forced by the government to hire atheist teachers and Jewish schools being forced to hire Muslims to teach religion, and there being no one running for president that said ‘no.” Imagine a presidential race where nothing but money mattered and no one even stepped forward to be critical of legalizing prostitution or drugs. Imagine a presidential race where not a critical word was said of Islamic Sharia law. Imagine all of the above and you would have a good vision of a presidential race without Rick Santorum.
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Tags: Fox Business, Pennsylvania, Planet Paul, Romney, Santorum, abortion, gingrich, primary, social issues
Feb 21st, 2012 |
By wjmurray
As of today Rick Santorum is number one in the national polls. In Mitt Romney’s home state of Michigan, Rick Santorum has a double digit lead. Romney has been forced to buy $2 million in negative mud slinging advertising against Santorum in Michigan to try to save himself from the embarrassment of being defeated by as much as 15 points in his home state. I predict this will not help, and that Santorum will still beat Romney in Michigan. Meanwhile Newt Gingrich borrowed millions and has virtually no money in the bank to even buy advertising. He has to rely on the TV ads placed by a Los Vegas billionaire who made his money on gambling. Think about that for a few minutes.
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Tags: Evangelical, GOP, Michigan, Mormon, Religious Freedom Pledge, Romney, Santorum, William J Murray, primary
Jan 19th, 2012 |
By wjmurray
GING-PAC ENDORSES RICK SANTORUM – As the chairman of Government Is Not God Political Action Committee (GING-PAC), I officially endorsed former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum for the office of the President of the United States just prior to the Iowa caucuses. To this official endorsement by GING-PAC I added my personal endorsement as well. Rick Santorum has an understanding that goes beyond being pro-life and pro-family. He thoroughly understands the current rise of radical Islam and how it poses a threat to Western civilization. Rick Santorum is committed to defending religious freedom not only here in America but around the world. During his time in the Senate Rick Santorum established the International Religious Freedom Caucus. This caucus of Senators in cooperation with outside groups worked tirelessly for the freedom of religious minorities, particularly in predominantly Islamic nations where they are persecuted.
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Tags: GING-PAC, GOP, Mitt Romney, ObamaCare, Ron Paul, Santorum, William J Murray, south carolina
Sep 16th, 2011 |
By wjmurray
All new September issue of Government Is Not GOD – PAC’s update. In this issue: GING-PAC endorsed Bob Turner wins special election in New York. Jewish vote goes to GOP over same-sex marriage issue. GOP wins big in special election in Nevada. Next special election in Oregon. GING-PAC supported Alan West flies the colors for 9-11 anniversary. President Obama’s Arab Spring turns to Fall nightmare for Israel.
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Tags: Alan West, Bob Turner, GING-PAC, Government Is Not God, Koch, NY 9, Obama, Rubio, Weprin, William J Murray
Aug 16th, 2011 |
By wjmurray
Three special elections for the House: California 36th, New York 9th and Oregon 1st. Democrats keep seat in far left coast district, but Republicans may do pickups in New York and Oregon. Evangelicals saddle up for Rick Perry saying that Michele Bachmann is just too conservative to win. Evangelicals will not support Newt Gingrich but Ron Paul makes inroads.
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Tags: Bob Turner, David Wu, Ed Kock, GOP, Jewish, Michele Bachmann, NY9, OR1, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Santorum, William Murray