GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2024
Immigration is number one concern of voters Stunning new Gallup Poll A reliable Gallup poll indicates a sharp rise in concerns about illegal immigration. The latest poll shows illegal immigration as the top issue for 28% of likely voters. Government being a concern (problem) came in second at 20%. On the other side
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2024
Joe Biden claims to be Catholic Yet he proclaimed Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility Joe Biden declared Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility!” Please keep in mind that Joe Biden claims to be a Catholic. He has difficulty finding a Catholic priest who will allow him to celebrate communion because of his
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2024
Some “religious schools” just as bad as Harvard The total dysfunction at Harvard University is not an example of elite higher education, it is an example of education at virtually every level in the United States. The “woke” problem with schools is not new. The roots of “woke” are deep and have penetrated even
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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2023
Welcome to Third World Politics – Part 2 The West Goes Third World: What do former president Donald Trump and former prime minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon have in common? Both Donald Trump and Nicola Sturgeon face charges lodged by political opponents. The same week that Donald Trump was indicted by a Grand Jury for
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2023
Welcome to Third World Politics Let’s start with this: The current president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was convicted of corruption in 2017. Even before his appeals were completed, he was jailed in 2018 and served almost two years in jail. Former President Bolsonaro is not being investigated for causing a mob to
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2023
The “Zelotes” and the Pluralists The battle for Speaker: Somewhere along the way I lost count of how many voting rounds there were before Congressman Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker of the House. Was it the 14th round or 15th? To get the job that no one else really wanted anyway, he gave away much
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2022
Joe Biden wins the Senate. What went wrong? To start with, a Muslim and Turkish citizen running on the GOP ticket in Pennsylvania. TV celebrity Dr. Oz “won” the GOP primary with just 30% of the vote. Most Republicans wanted nothing to do with him, but enough of them held their nose to give him
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Sep/Oct 2022
The Senate: November decides it all If Republicans don’t retake the Senate, Joe Biden will be able to appoint whoever he wants to whatever he wants. For two more years Joe Biden will be able to appoint ultra-liberal, soft-on-crime judges to federal courts at all levels. All of those judges will hold the concept of
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jul/Aug 2022
The Senate: Little hope left for GOP takeover Pennsylvania: This is a seat being vacated by Republican Pat Toomey. There was virtually no way for the Republicans to lose this seat — until a Muslim who is a Turkish citizen won the GOP nomination. Instead of a pickup, it clearly looks like the Pennsylvania seat
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GING-PAC has endorsed the social conservative candidate for Senate, J.D. Vance.
Ohio: This is a Republican seat we can keep and elect a good social conservative. GING-PAC has endorsed a social conservative candidate for Senate J.D. Vance and donated to his campaign. I have met with J.D. Vance, the Republican nominee, and he is solid pro-life and supports traditional family values. He stands against the “trans”
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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2022
More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well? More Muslim congressmen and a Muslim Senator tossed in as well? The Mayor of London is a Muslim, as is the mayor of Birmingham, the mayor of Leeds, the mayor of Bradford, the mayor of Newham and six more cities that have or had
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2022
What is the November election about? The last Wednesday in March I was at an invitation only lunch for a briefing on Senate and House activity. A spokesman for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gave a twenty minute detailed talk on actions in the Senate without once mentioning a social conservative issue. This failure to
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2022
Four kinds of Republicans running for office This is a critical election year. The congressional elections in November could stop cold the movement toward a radical “woke” society and socialism. Electing enough Republicans to the House and Senate may or may not be enough to stop that radical agenda. Why do I say,
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GINGPAC Endorses Lori Saine in Colorado’s Eighth Congressional District
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Government is Not God – PAC is proud to endorse social conservative candidate Lori Saine in Colorado’s eighth congressional district race. Government Is Not God chairman, William J Murray announced the endorsement of pro-life, freedom fighter Lori Saine for Congress in the 2022 election cycle. Murray said, “Lori Saine stood for pro-family
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Sep/Oct 2021
Nancy Pelosi: Masks for you but not for me — and not for my donors Napa Valley, California is a favorite of California liberals and a great place for a fund-raising event. And there is Nancy standing maskless at the head of the table. None of the more than 100 guests at her fund
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Ohio 15th Congressional: The 15th in Ohia is a battleground district. The seat became vacant when congressman Steve Stivers (R), resigned to become the President and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, effective May 16, 2021. A great pro-life candidate, Mike Carey, who stands for traditional family values won the August 15th primary on the
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jul/Aug 2021
In Person in Washington: Changing face of advocacy: During the pandemic there was a shut down of most activity inside Washington, DC, virtually everything was done by Zoom. Most federal workers have still not returned to their offices in Washington, and Capitol Hill is like a ghost town. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has kept high fencing
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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2021
MUST WIN AGAIN It is incredibly important that Senator Tim Scott wins reelection in South Carolina in 2022. The left, including BLM, want him out of office because he is the “wrong color” to be conservative. According to the culture police who control all forms of media and education, conservative thought is exclusive to older
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2021
WE WON: The first GING-PAC candidate endorsed in a special election in 2021 has won by a wide margin in a state with a gorilla primary! Julia Letlow wins in Louisiana: In the February GING-PAC newsletter, I told you about Julia Letlow, the widow of Luke Letlow who won the seat in the November general
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I decided to back Christian conservative candidate Sery Kim for the vacant seat in the Texas 6th district. Then the race sort of turned into a circus. Because the special election is May 1st, I interviewed Sery Kim on the phone for more than 30 minutes. I spoke to other candidates as well, but I
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2021
The 2020 election – It is official: The Democrats took over the Senate when both incumbent Republican senators were defeated in the solid Republican state of Georgia on January 5th. The Republican party in Georgia has been destroyed by infighting and in the next election the Democrats will probably take over the governorship as well.
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GING-PAC endorses widow of congressman-elect Luke Letlow
Congressman Letlow died of Covid-19 just short of being sworn into his first term. Please note the first item on Julia Letlow’s major issues is “Pro-Life” I had the opportunity to be part of a Zoom meeting with Julia Letlow on February the 3rd just a day before this GING-PAC update was to mail. Based
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2020
The Election: What a mess! I have held off on the last Campaign Update of the year waiting for totals that seem never to come. Not even the presidential election is settled as of the writing of this report on December 3rd. Was there voter fraud? Well yes, there is always voter fraud in the
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A Mess of an Election
I have held off writing about the election waiting for totals that seem never to come. Not even the presidential election is settled as of the writing of this report on December 3rd. Was there voter fraud? Well yes, there is always voter fraud in the big cities controlled by the Democrat establishment. Was it worse
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Christ comes first for Nick Frietes
Christ comes first for Nick Frietes Nick Freitas is running in Virginia’s 7th congressional district against a former CIA agent who was on the staff of the Saudi Academy. Yes … THAT Saudi Academy that teaches the supremacy of Islam along with antisemitism. The comparison, at his Internet site Nick Freitas programs: “I am first
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Tommy Tuberville defeats Jeff Sessions in GOP Alabama primary
Tommy Tuberville, who has never sought public office before has defeated former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions Tuberville gained 61% in the run-off election to Sessions’ 39%. In a sad ending to his political career, he carried only three of Alabama’s sixty-Seven counties. Sessions had served in the Senate until his appointment as President Trump’s
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Timothy Hill for Congress
Congressman Phil Roe, Republican of Tennessee, announced he would not seek a seventh term in 2020 and immediately more than ten Republicans announced they would run for the open seat. Roe said, “As someone who practiced medicine for over 30 years, I said I would serve five or six terms because I never intended this
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Daniel Gade for Senate!
Government Is Not God- PAC endorses Daniel Gade for the Senate seat in Virginia now occupied by Senator Warner, a pretend moderate who is pro-abortion. Daniel Gade is a true American hero who lost a leg when his Humvee was blown up in Iraq in 2004. A graduate of West Point he was in command
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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/Jun 2020
Leon Benjamin for Congress A strong candidate in Virginia’s 4th congressional district. I have spent some time talking with Bishop Leon Benjamin and will attest to his pure heart and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. He made clear to me his pro-life and pro-family stance from the pulpit. Government is Not God – PAC
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Pro-life candidate in Nevada 4th Congressional District
Jim Marchant founded an Internet Service Provider (ISP) before Al Gore invented the Internet. With his success came public service and in 1999 Gov. Jeb Bush and the Florida Legislature appointed him to serve on the Florida Information Service Technology Development Task Force. Jim Marchant has lived in Las Vegas since 2005 but did not
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Government is Not God – PAC endorses Leon Benjamin for Congress.
A strong candidate in Virginia’s 4th congressional district Leon Benjamin is the Senior Pastor and Bishop of New Life Harvest Church in Richmond, VA. Bishop Benjamin, a former Democrat and Gulf War veteran, is an emerging evangelical leader on the national front as a media spokesperson and conservative political activist. He has worked on the
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2020
President Trump’s Actions against the persecution of Nigeria Christians applauded Two actions have been taken by the Trump Administration which has brought the world’s attention to the continuing persecution of Christians in Nigeria. Late last year President Trump added Nigeria to a travel ban list. Nigerians may no longer travel to the United States because
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Jan/Feb 2020
November 2020 should be a good election cycle for social conservatives if they get out to vote. Democrats in the House have done absolutely nothing for the past three years but try to overthrow President Trump and undo the votes of 63 million Americans. We need to retake the House, enlarge our margin in the
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GINGPAC Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2019
We’re less than a year away from the 2020 elections! It is imperative that we take back the House of Representatives from the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Marxists and anti-Christian bigots inhabiting the swamp of Washington, D.C. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has now gone so far left
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GINGPAC Newsletter, July/Aug 2019
John James Runs Against Pro-Abortion Senator Peters! Michigan: West Point graduate John James ran for the Senate seat held by Debbie Stabenow in 2016. He lost that race, but only by 6.5% of the vote. James is now planning to challenge Senator Gary Peters, who may be far more vulnerable than Stabenow. Peters was endorsed
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GINGPAC Newsletter, May/June 2019
The Left Gained 40 Seats In 2018 – Conservatives Must Retake Them The Republican Party lost control of the House in 2018 and America is paying the price for its losses. Conservatives are holding the line in the Senate, but Pelosi must be ousted. In the House, Democrats have a 235-199 majority. In the Senate,
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GING-PAC Newsletter, March/April 2019
GING-PAC – endorsed members of House and Senate work to defend religious liberty and family values Congressman Byrne introduces Education Freedom Scholarships Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-AL) announced the introduction of the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act. This legislation will give students and parents in Alabama and around the country the freedom they deserve to make educational
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GINGPAC Newsletter – Jan/Feb 2019
Government Is Not God – PAC January/FebruaryEditor: William J. Murray GING PAC – endorsed members of House and Senate work to defend religious liberty Senator Lankford Supports HHS Waiver for Religious Organizations in South Carolina Senator James Lankford (R-OK) supports the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) decision to provide South Carolina a waiver
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GING-PAC Newsletter, November-December 2018
Government Is Not God – PAC CAMPAIGN UPDATE 2018 November/December Editor: William J. Murray GING-PAC Wins & Losses in Mid-Terms Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn Defeats Leftist Retread Phil Bredesen GING-PAC endorsed Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn soundly defeated former Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen for the Senate seat vacated by feckless Bob Corker. We have received a letter from
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GING-PAC Mid-Term Wins & Losses
Watch the latest video at foxbusiness.com Last week’s mid-term elections were a disaster for the GOP. Voters gave control of the House of Representatives to Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Gerald Nadler, Adam Schiff and a horde of pro-abortion, pro-open borders, and anti-Christian legislators. The next two years will be a nightmare of witch hunt hearings
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GING-PAC Newsletter, September/October 2018
Government Is Not God – PAC CAMPAIGN UPDATE 2018 September/October New Candidates Endorsed By GING-PAC John James Is Running Against Leftist MI Sen. Debbie Stabenow John James is an outspoken Christian and social conservative who is running for the U.S. Senate against leftist Sen. Debbie Stabenow. James is a West Point graduate who served as
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GING-PAC Newsletter, March/April 2018
Government Is Not God – PAC CAMPAIGN UPDATE 2018 March/April Editor: William J. Murray GING-PAC Endorsements In The House Arizona: Former Arizona State Senator Debbie Lesko won the GOP primary on February 27 to replace social conservative Trent Franks in the 8th Congressional District of Arizona. GING-PAC had originally endorsed former State Senator Steve Montenegro,
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GING-PAC Newsletter January/February 2018
Government Is Not God – PAC CAMPAIGN UPDATE 2018 January/February Editor: William J. Murray URGENT: Help needed in special election in Arizona In December of last year my good friend Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) resigned his seat, in my opinion unnecessarily. He was accused of “sexual harassment” because of a comment he made years ago
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