test article
Sep 10th, 2009 | By Editorthis is a test of the GINGPAC System
KENNEDY DEATH MEANS GOP CAN FILIBUSTER AGAIN Back when Mitt Romney was the Republican governor of Massachusetts, the Democrat Party controlled House stripped him of the ability to appoint a Senator to fill the vacant seat of John Kerry who was running for the presidency. The Democrat controlled legislature passed legislation saying the seat must
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GING-PAC supports Todd Tiahrt for Senate in Kansas and Rubio for Senate in Florida. Read more
Jim Tedisco, the Minority Leader in the New York Assembly managed to lose the very important special election in the 20th District of New York held on March 31st.
Republican win three run-offs while two GING-PAC cadidates win. Meanwhile Muslims give a stern warning to Barack Obama on the eve of the inaguration.
It is January, 2009 and President Barrack Hussein Obama has been sworn in as president of the United States / Candidates for Congress
In September GING-PAC endorses candidates for the House in Florida and New York. Inside information one why the Democrat controlled House is non-functional. In the Senate race Bob Schaffer is doing well.
More on the Washington Times bigotry toward "white" evangleical Christians as they push for Mitt Romney as VP. Will McCain pick Eric Cantor? More on the Senate and House races we are involved in.